Snap on veneers which come with the trade name Pioneers Veneers is also known as Clip on veneers or Press on veneers or removable veneers which are certain type of veneers that need no drilling to your natural precious teeth enamel unlike the fixed porcelain veneers that needs drilling and shaving of your teeth so you can fix them on your natural teeth.
Pioneers Veneers Snap on Veneers is such a brilliant solution for those who fear going to a dentist or for those who can’t afford the huge fees for getting their teeth done , And Snap on veneers are not only brilliant solution it is a quick and safe solution , It is actually the safest dental solution on Planet earth .
You can now cover the issue that keep you away from smiling freely and you can get your smile back safely, You have nothing to fear with Pioneers Veneers Snap on veneers which comes with another big bang advantage which is being super natural look, It would be hard to tell if you are using veneers unless someone who knows you and sees you every day, They will notice sudden change to the best natural look but others can never know you are using veneers.
Choosing Natural white Snap on veneers plays a major role in getting a natural look, Snap on veneers comes in 2 main shades; Super white and Normal white, Super white Snap on veneers can be best used for a wedding or a business meeting but it might be a bit odd wearing Super white Snap on veneers in your daily routine life.
Normal white Snap on veneers is the best choice if you are looking for super natural look highly unnoticeable , Nevertheless mastering using of your Snap on veneers is extremely important to look and sound natural ,You should know that once getting your Pioneers Veneers Snap on veneers you will not be able to speak quite normal and it a very normal drawback once you get any snap on veneers or with any dental prosthesis you use either crown or bridge or dental implant or denture , You will be troubles with pronunciation of some letters like S , C , SH , CH , etc.
The solution is 3 words;
And Practice
yes, You have to practice and give yourself time, You can never expect once you put your veneers on that you can use it freely and speak freely like you were speaking for the last 20 or 30 years, By using snap on veneers you changed where your tongue is touching your teeth to pronounce the letters we mentioned above , You need time , Give yourself time with Practice so you can use it freely and speak with it freely.
It vary from one to another, We do have some customers once they got the Veneers they started the second day of practice enjoying their Top natural snap on veneers and they speak and sing with it with no problems recorder at all
On the other hand, we have some customers who stayed having troubles to accommodate with their snap on veneers up to 2-3 weeks, yet it is solved at the end.
It is hard to tell you will be among which group , so it is clearly mentioned that you can use your veneers and can master using it within the first 2-3 weeks and only then you can using Pioneers Veneers the Top Natural Snap on veneers.
Hope this blog was useful
and Stay tuned for the next blogs