Pioneers Veneers which is also called Snap on veneers or Clip on veneers or Press on veneers are removable veneers that you can take off or put on whenever you like and without any difficulty in usage.
This Blog will go through all what you need to know about Pioneers Veneers Snap on veneers
This Blog will be one of all what you need to know about Snap on veneers Blogs series
Pioneers Veneers Snap on veneers are made of Copolyester material which has high modulus of elasticity which can be fitted on your teeth and taken off gently and smoothly without harming any of your teeth / gum tissues.
If your Snap on veneers were made of rigid material then you have to expect friction with each time you wear your veneers or take them off, this friction may lead to attrition of your teeth from the front and back the surface on the long term of usage.
You can definitely drink all kind of drinks with your Snap on veneers, And you can eat all kind of soft food like Cake and ice-cream
And the reason why you can’t eat all kind of your Snap on veneers is because of the high modulus of elasticity mentioned above that can keep your teeth safe from the friction and attrition of your teeth, keeping your natural teeth safe and healthy is very important.
Actually Pioneers veneers do have a lot of advantages being the Top natural snap on veneers is one of them, Pioneers Veneers did change many lives all the around the world not only in the states, it is the safest smile makeover on the planet unlike other smile makeovers that can harm and damage your teeth permanently then you will regret ever choosing the wrong path to go for permanent smile makeover for the rest of your life.
Pioneer veneers Snap on veneers is very safe to your natural teeth and in the same time giving the very natural looking you are looking for, without grinding your natural teeth and shaving all of them permanently.
Once your teeth are shaved then you should know that this is permanent , There is no Going back you should live your whole life putting permanent veneers and visiting your dentist at least every 2-3 months to follow up your permanent veneers not mentioning paying thousands of dollars.
Teeth whitening is a very critical process and not long lasting of course, when you use teeth whitening options you should be aware that your diet intake is very important to be monitored.
If you are heavy smoker or drink a lot of soda’s then you should be certain that teeth whitening will not last more than few days or weeks if you are lucky and then you will lose the results you gained.
We have to mention that you will never find a teeth whitening option less than $350-500
it happens in some cases to experience teeth sensitivity or gum burns due to the teeth whitening.
While Pioneers Veneers Snap on veneers can give you same result of whitening but with more permanent result as whenever you can wear you snap on veneers you will have your teeth with your desired teeth color and it is not temporary like teeth whitening.
Thanks for reading and wait for our Next blog all what you need to know about snap on veneers Part 2
Stay tuned